Howdy pardner!

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On my map, i was making custom blocks with my Texture Pack with .zip file. But, it actually DIDN'T work! C'mon! Work on this codes, guys!

123DontMessWitMe Special Mon Jul 17 at 21:33:13 (2017)

There is nothing wrong with New Bloods code, or the clients code. You are probably just doing something wrong. As you said recently you are new to classicube so you probably just need a bit of help figuring it out. What seems to be the problem you are having?

UnknownShadow200 🔧 Mon Jul 17 at 23:40:58 (2017)

Before we can provide assistance, we need more details about the issue.

If you are having issues with making custom blocks, could you elaborate?

What URL are you using for the texture pack? You need to be linking directly to the .zip file, instead of the webpage it is located on.

(MCGalaxy can usually auto-correct dropbox urls to link directly to the .zip file, but won't do that for any other sites)

If you need any help on how to make custom blocks, there is a step by step tutorial on doing so, created by nootnootman:

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