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I have played MC now for almost 3 1/2 years. I recently got a new laptop, which has Windows 8. I wanted to start playing on ClassiCube than regular However, even with Java 7 and updated software, WIndows 8 is saying that neither desktop ClassiCube OR the client is allowed here. I do not know whether or not it is Microsoft that is blocking it, or what. I have checked to make sure that everything was updated. Does anyone know the resolution to this? Any help is greatly appreciated!

-bristime fellow girl MCer

It states "This application cannot be run.: Your security settings have blocked a self-signed application from running"

Hello there.

As is stated on the bottom of the page, we currently do not have a code signing certificate, so the applet on the website will not work without lowering your security settings. You may download the standalone client through your profile page, and you will be able to run that. It has compatibility with and servers.


I have tried downloading the client again. It is still blocked, but I have also adjusted my security settings. Maybe my settings completely blocked this?

Jonty800 Serves: makes 8 Sat Apr 19 at 20:26:03 (2014)

++bristime posted:++


I have tried downloading the client again. It is still blocked, but I have also adjusted my security settings. Maybe my settings completely blocked this?


++bristime posted:++


I have tried downloading the client again. It is still blocked, but I have also adjusted my security settings. Maybe my settings completely blocked this?

Disable them for like 1m, download, and then re-enable. If you have Norton, then get rid of it.

Yes I have Norton. I figured that the MAC download works on Windows 8! Thanks for your help anyways! I have Norton anyways for viruses, bugs, trojans, cookies, etc.

Norton is trash, and the mac / linux download is just a jar, works on windows too :P

Norton really sucks.

I have the same problem, but the thing is I also have Windows 8, I have been using CC for a few months. However now, when I try to connect to the servers I get an error message saying: "There was a problem fetching server details."

Can anyone help?

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