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hello im dragonwing112 im the founder of mcfront im working together with tommyz_ it is a Building/Roleplaying software software based on mclawl its never been done before its a new server software you can check our website for updates and try out the software click on the logo to go to our website or u can go to

Unique features

  • Level system - after certain exp u level up and u get 5 atribute point wich u can upgrade your skills
  • Exp system - when u type /attack u get exp each hit
  • Inventory system - You get 10 slots of inventory space
  • Class system - Warrior, Defender, Archer, Mage , Healer
  • Skills system - Attack, Strength, Defence, Lockpicking
  • Spells system wizard class can use them
  • Shop - buys an item from shop
  • Potions - Heals player
  • Health system - when u fire a gun players dont die they lose health points when health is 0 they die
  • jobs- players can apply for a job and they get paid with ingame cash
  • Equip systeem - Lets u equip weapons armor rings and amulets
  • Clan systeem - Make your own clan
  • Weapons - A huge collection of weapons
  • Armor - Armors and shields
  • Abbilitys - Like poison, Heal, rush, Fireball

Plans for future updates

im adding the perks for the weapons and armors and adding a equipment systeem in to the software and fixed some buggs the equipment systeem will be that if do do /equip [item] it equips it in to a equipment slot to un equip u need to do /unequip [item name]

there are serveral difrent types of armour and weapons wooden, stone, iron,gold, diamond, rune , chaos, inferno, master they all have their perks u can also enchant your weapons u need to have enchantment stone in your inventory and do /enchant [stone] [item] if u do your weapon or armor gets special perks like

Attack enhancement - boost your attack skill

strength enchancement - boost your strength

Defence enchancement - boost your Defence

Health enchancement - gives your character more health ontop the maxium health

Exp enchancement - boost the amount exp u get


potions are very usefull when battling against other players when ur damaged u type /use [potion] to use it if u have any in your inventory you type /bp too look in your inventory bp stands for back pack potions are categorized in to level 1 2 3 u need u need certain level to use higher tiered potions higher tiered potion heals more


im also thinking about to make a pet systeem the pet systeem have their own slots like head gear body and necklace the pet the pets takes 1/4 of your damage is gona be card systeem u can get these pet cards from admins + they can award u with them each card have their own special abiility when u do here is my idea

shortcut /pc /cardtrunk : let u see all cards pages <1/10> /petcard summon (petcard) : if pet card is in card trunk u can summon it the card will apear in the petslot /petcard dismiss : removes a pet card from pet slot /petcard stats: shows the status of your pet health attack strength defence ect /petcard inventory : some pets have a inventory abbility


  1. Slime, Access: All levels Health: 30 Damage: 4 Special abbility: None Description: a small looking slime

2.Mushroom Access: All levels Health: 60 Damage: 8 Special abbility: 30% chance to stun player for 4 seconds if he hits them Description: Its a gaint mushroom

3.Wolf Access: Minium level 5 Health: 120 Damage: 12 Special abbility: None Description: Loyal for its master

4.Scorpion Access: Minium level 7 Health: 160 Damage: 11 Special abbility: 20% chance poison the player Description: Its venum is deadly

5.mule Access: 8 Health: 50 Damage: 3 Special abbility: gives the player 5 extra inventory slots Description: It has bags on his sadles

and much more!


Im thinking to make a new skill called thiefing and a new command called /pickpocket (name)

the higher your thiefing skill is the higher the success rate of being able to steal money off people

when u fail u get to send to jail for a amount of time x thiefing level

o yeah the higher thiefing level u have the more money u can steal

Party systeem

im making a party systeem where people can invite people to their group and share the exp that they gain

im also thinking about raising the exp rate by 10% for each party member max 5 party members per group giving u 50% more exp when u have a full party that will encourage people to create a party

/party invite /party create /party disband /party kick

Clan upgrade

to make a beter clan lay out of whos leader and its members ' and a new clan rank systeem where clan leaders can apoint their Righ hand man/girl and a new clan point systeem u get 1 clan points for every member u have in your clan and u can earn clan points by doing clan wars

clan leader can spend their clan points on clan buffs and abbilitys like


strong will: gives 10 max health for every clan point when active

battle aura: gives + 5 strength for every clan point they pend on it

united we stand: + 5 defence for every clan point


charge: u tp to the player causing 5 points for every clan points the leader spend on it and it lowers temporary the defence of the target by 5%

defence: formation: cuts all in comming damage in half

rage: u cant be hurt in this state it last for 10 seconds cool down 1 min damage times 2

Hey dragonwing, HeroCane here, would love to help with this project if you have any space in the team? Cheers!

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