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Hello, as there seems to be no FAQ or any information about how to report bugs, I'm going to post it here.*

Currently, I am attempting to host a server using MCDzienny, and there is a very peculiar bug that is impeding me at the moment. I believe it is happening because of a bug with the web server that handles the heartbeats of the servers as well as listing the servers' names on the client's server list, hence me posting this. The reason I believe that this is an error with the web server is because when I start my server, it binds to the port 25565 and immediately gets the link to play using minecraft's list, and then after a few minutes, MCDzienny displays that the web server had said that the server I'm hosting is unreachable and the port might not be open. At first, I thought that perhaps I had messed up while portforwarding, so I double checked that my port was closed using, and the website displayed that the port 25565 was open. After attempting to fix whatever was wrong with my server, I realized that if I set the "Public" option (The option that tells the web server whether or not to put my server's name on the list) to false, the web server magically began being able to reach my server. I am aware that it could be MCDzienny, however I'm skeptical that it is. I'm just wondering what could be happening either server-side or client-side, if you know, I'm open to any suggestions.


*I am well aware that it is completely possible that I am merely blind and the website DOES say where to report bugs. If that's the case and you can't believe I didn't see it, spare me from the bashing about how it's obvious, I'm blind.

AndrewPH time for dominate Mon May 4 at 1:42:15 (2015)

Our heartbeat server checks if your server is accessible at the given port before allowing you to publicly list it.

If you come onto our chat and give me a link to your server in private mode (send it prefixed with "AndrewPH: ", my client will make a noise), I can take a look at the issue.

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