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hey guys. I created a mcforge server several years ago must been 7-8 years ago. but suddenly.5 years ago the server wouldnt start.I had mysql set up on the server so i could have water/portal blocks and several other commands for my spleef/ctf/zombie/freebuild maps. I found a new server who could load up my lvl maps with add world. fcraft dont know if its a good server but atleast i could view my long hour worked maps with friends and other of my member back in the day hehe. My question is are there a way to have my commands back? old mcforge map did already have good enough commands is there somewhere where i could have almost the same commands like in old mcforge?? this is and older youtube video of my server and some of the maps. hope anyone will answer!!

UnknownShadow200 🔧 Tue Feb 2 at 13:38:20 (2016)

MCGalaxy is an actively developed derivative of MCForge, which you can grab from here.

The level files will load fine and the commands are mostly the same as MCForge with some new ones - however, I'm not sure if the database will transfer across to MCGalaxy.

Edit: You might need to make some changes to custom commands in order for them to load in MCGalaxy as some of the api has changed since MCForge.

++UnknownShadow200 posted:++

MCGalaxy is an actively developed derivative of MCForge, which you can grab from here.

The level files will load fine and the commands are mostly the same as MCForge with some new ones - however, I'm not sure if the database will transfer across to MCGalaxy.

Edit: You might need to make some changes to custom commands in order for them to load in MCGalaxy as some of the api has changed since MCForge.

That's why I made the api backwards compatible on mine :P The database should work just fine unless their prior server made any custom fields. In which case the values will probably be left as null anyways, so there's no real harm (though I do recommend creating a backup beforehand).

Wow truly amazing its like a replica buth without the mysql troubles for portals and other things <3. But here's another question my modern friends wants to play the new (regular) minectaft is there a way to make my lvl files to regular minecraft world/lvl (idk) files? Thanks for fast response!


UnknownShadow200 🔧 Sun Feb 7 at 4:58:26 (2016)

Importing classic worlds into modern levels is a bit trickier.

You need to download MCEdit. (I think slightly older versions, worked for me, but I had problems with the very latest one).

  • Generate a new world, probably a flatgrass one.
  • Rename the level to the format: name_width_height_length.lvl
  • Click the 'import' tool. You need to type * into the File Name text field to show all files, as .lvl files don't show by default.
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