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The very first videogame based on classicube! Download and more info here:

I don't like it because i don't see any dick.

AndrewPH time for dominate Tue Jan 31 at 23:53:05 (2017)

++Darky64 posted:++

I don't like it because i don't see any dick.

Me too.

Take your dick out then #Stopthefuckingharambehashtagffs

cool i guess

You're cancer, Darky.

This post has been hidden by the ClassiCube moderation team.

Words cannot express the amount of love I have for this game! I played the original in the arcade back in the 90s and have loved it ever since! Thank you for sharing this I really needed it right now. I've been depressed as I'm going through all sorts of family drama, including divorce, custody issues (THOSE KIDS SHOULD BE MINE!!! SHE NEGLECTS THEM, BUT OF COURSE THE MOM ALWAYS GET THE KIDS BECAUSE OUR GOVERNMENT IS SEXIST!!!!!!!! I F***ING HATE MY GARBAGE CAN OF A LIFE. I'M GOING TO END IT ALL NOW!!!), and some other things I'd rather not go into. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Nobody cares


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