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In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the cuboid correctly.

Firstly, we will begin with the first command that we learn when we begin using cuboid.

Cuboid : In geometry, a cuboid is a convex polyhedron bounded by six quadrilateral faces, whose polyhedral graph is the same as that of a cube. (Copied from Wikipedia..)

Commands for the simple cuboid command.

/Cuboid: The /Cuboid was the first command that is used for making cuboids, but this command is rarely used since there are some abbreviations for the command and those are listed below :

/C : The /C command is now often used to make cuboids in the fCraft software servers.

/Z : The /Z command is also used for making cuboids.

How to make a Cuboid :-

                        To make a cuboid, you will need to select the block first and then place 2 blocks that can be known as the corners, and then activate your Cuboid command(s) that are listed here : ** /Cuboid **, ** /C **, ** /Z **. Once the command is activated, then click the blocks that you placed before (corners). That will make a cuboid.

Now we shall discuss about other cuboid related commands that are very useful.

/C Air , /Z Air: These commands are used to remove a structure that you built or made with the cuboid before. These commands are often used for building rather than removing the blocks that we built before.

Usage of /C Air, /Z Air :-

                           People often use the command ** /Undo ** to remove the latest cuboid made, but the command ** /C Air** , or ** /Z Air ** can remove anything, if you want to remove a structure / build / anything, you need to activate the command first, to activate the command, type in ** /C Air **, or ** /Z Air ** in the chat and select **two** corners of a build and they will be instantly removed.

Now, we will discuss about the command /CH , or /CuboidH :-

                                                               These commands let you make a hollowed cuboid, a hollowed cuboid, means that the cuboid is having empty area/space inside. To make a cuboid hollow, you will need to activate your commands, type in the chat ** /CH **, or ** /CuboidH (whatever you like most) ** and then the cuboid step will be followed, selecting two corners of an area: will make a cuboid hollow, people often use that command to make houses or an empty area inside / underground ETC.

Now we will learn what /CW , /CuboidW do.

These commands basically make a wireframe (a frame) which people use for decoration or any build related stuff.

Usage of /CW :-

              In the chat, type in the command for the cuboid wireframe that is / are ** /CW OR /CuboidW** and press enter, once the command is activated, select two corners and place a block / click the corners and it will make a wireframe.

Related commands:-

/Undo and /Redo :-

                       When a cuboid is failed / or not made in an appropriate place, or if you feel a bit congested with the position of the cuboid, with the command ** /Undo **, the latest cuboid made can be undod, if you DID like the position for the cuboid, the cuboid can be brought back again by the command ** /Redo**.

/Static and // :-

                      When you are building a huge structure and you are not capable enough of writing the same cuboid related commands repeatedly, you can type in chat ** / (two times together) ** , it will activate the same cuboid command you wrote before to make one, if you are still not capable of writing the commands again and again, by using the ** /Static ** command, you can actually repeat the cuboid commands without writing down in the chat and make cuboids, the ** /Static ** command can be done when you write a cuboid command once, and then write in the ** /Static ** command, and placing the blocks - it will keep on making the cuboids until you deactivate it by writing ** /Static ** again.

Thanks for reading and understanding the cuboid tutorial, have a nice day and good bye ClassiCubers.

How to make a portal?

UnknownShadow200 🔧 Mon Dec 12 at 1:26:44 (2016)

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