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How to send a message to the global chat / What is global chat :-

                                           Most of the people always come in the servers to talk, because everyone wants to communicate with the world! To chat (everyone knows how to chat, and there is also a given keyboard diagram which provides information for controls) but the chat key is : **T** - when the chat box come up, you can write anything in it and send to the global chat.

How to send a message to the staff chat / What is staff chat :-

                                             Staff chat is a chat where only moderators (or the rank which is given the ability to read the chat) can read the chat, the ranks which do not have the ability to read the staff chat can possibly **not** read the staff chat, the staff chat is used for chatting about some important stuff or any staff related thing which the lower ranks must not know about although the lower ranks can send the messages to the staff chat if anything the LOWER ranks want to share with the staff. To chat in the staff chat, press **T** and then write in the command ** /ST ** and then your message.

E.G. : /ST I saw a guest griefing.

Which will be displayed in the chat box kind of like this :

(staff)Nar: I saw a guest griefing.

How to use colors in the chat :-

                                    Colors can be used for adding creativity and more sense to anything. Colors can also be used in the chat with the fCraft software with the symbol " % " which is known as "percentage". In the chat, while writing a message - if you want to add a color, you must add a % (percentage) symbol and a number after it to add a color. If you do not know the colors' numbers, then type in the chat ** /colors ** and it will give you all of the colors' numbers which is helpful when writing a colorful message.

E.G. : My name is %0Nar. .

My rank color is %4maroon. .

IF you want the default chat color after adding the color to a word, you need to type in the color of the chat after the color of the word you gave to a word.

E.G. : My name is %0Nar %f, and my middle name goes here.

The " %f " color is normally the default color for the chat.


Most of the new people ask in the servers that : "How do I talk like the IRC?"

Well, an IRC is an Internet Relay Chat and it's information can be found Here

People chat from IRC and the chat from IRC is sent to the Minecraft chat (global chat) and if you want to chat through the IRC, you will need to connect to that server's IRC.

Thanks for reading, have a nice chatting day!

You can also extend your message putting "/" in the end of it.

and have a space before the /

123DontMessWitMe Special Mon Dec 16 at 2:07:16 (2013)

Few things you missed also making the last two comments more understandable.

The newline color code (%n); typing in "Foo %nBar" will result in:

123DontMessWitMe: Foo 
> Bar

The "/" this can be used in a few ways. If you type it twice at the beginning of your message like this "//foo bar" it will result in:

123DontMessWitMe: /foo bar

If you type it once at the end of a sentence like this "foo /" it will allow you to type in more things to extend your message, all you have to do is keep adding / with a space before it to continue. To finish the message and send it as chat just finish the message without it like this "bar" and it will result in:

123DontMessWitMe: foo bar

If you type it in twice at the end like this "foo bar //" it will result in:

123DontMessWitMe: foo bar /

How to make a water portal in FCraft?

UnknownShadow200 🔧 Mon Dec 12 at 1:24:57 (2016)

Please do not revive 3 year old threads with completely irrelevant posts.

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