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so i changed a setting on advanced settings i think called Vbos and i cant play on classicube anymore :O

AndrewPH time for dominate Thu Oct 31 at 23:10:32 (2013)

(Originally posted by vidimiy [Link])

so i changed a setting on advanced settings i think called Vbos and i cant play on classicube anymore :O

If it wasn't on, your graphics card probably doesn't support it.

The following instructions are assuming you're using Windows XP or later.

To reset your settings, open up one of these doohickeys.


Click on the top so that it looks something like the following:


and then type in %appdata%\.net.classicube.client (exactly as it has been typed here). It should look something like the following:

appdata stuff!

Then hit your 'enter' key. Once you've done that, it should bring you to a folder with a few things in it. Look for options.txt and delete that file. Then, start ClassiCube and your settings should be set back to default.

If these instructions don't apply to you, let me know what operating system you're on.

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