Howdy pardner!

These here forums are read-only. Click here to go to the new forums, where you can actually post and stuff!

Sorry for the inconvenience


Where Is The Download To MCForge-Redux? Thanks!

Since the website seems suspended, you'll have to compile it yourself.

Tylerhartman2000 Tue Dec 9 at 23:15:35 (2014)

I Cant Compile

We're working on it, give at least a week to fix the site, I will provide a compiled copy in a couple of hours.

Ok Thank You

++Tylerhartman2000 posted:++

I Cant Compile

Everyone can compile, it just takes a little education. If you're looking into hosting your own server, you'll want to be able to compile it yourself, so you have the possibility of adding new features. Take a look at when you get the chance.

Tylerhartman2000 Wed Dec 17 at 1:03:07 (2014)

Ok Thx


HOW do you compile it Venom

MCForge-Redux is replaced by MCGalaxy. Download and run it. You'll get a transparent console, update the server and you'll be fine.

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