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Just a thought

It should be. And in my opinion it's a must. It would be much better and easier to play ClassiCube on mobile phones, since nowadays phones are kind of little computers, so I think they would run smoothly.

Do you know how expensive it is for an app to get published to the App Store?

Granted, you could have an APK which would look after Android devices, but that wouldn't have auto-update and would be a massive pain.

I suspect the app would get a DMCA within weeks of being on the App Store anywho.

I do believe this question has been asked approximately 3 billion times previously, and the answers were always the same. There wont be an official mobile app (yet).

I also believe UnknownShadow did make some form of Xamarin version, which, users could theoretically compile to run on Android.

AndrewPH time for dominate Sun Apr 1 at 7:01:30 (2018)

App wouldn't get DMCA unless we used minecraft assets in the screenshots/distributed minecraft assets.

AndrewPH - good point. But there's always one sour fucker who wont approve of it being a "Minecraft ripoff".

This doesn't sound half bad. It would have to be done with alternate textures (Or maybe not) or would have to be released on the website as an APK instead of releasing on the Android app store (Amazon, Google Play, etc). There has been mobile version of Classicube released on Android that you could only download from the website. The person made it in their spare time as a proof of concept and there has been a version of Classicalsharp ported to Android using stereoscopic 3D for VR. This was never released, but there's a video of the port in action floating around the internet somewhere. The main problem is that he restricted the world size to a single chunk. The max render distance would probably have to be limited to 128 though. Don't ask why I put so much into brackets, I have no clue why.

Anyone with common sense wouldn't go round downloading random APKs off of non-reputable sites.

I trust UnkownShadow, but I would want any apps that go on my mobile to be properly signed.

It's working? I cant login the app. :(

AndrewPH time for dominate Tue Sep 18 at 13:20:59 (2018)

the mobile app isn't functional anymore due to website changes, and hasn't been for a while.

I think if the binaries work then it should be very easy to port.


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